“The Most Wonderful Time”
It's hard to believe the holiday season is upon us!!!
It seems like it was just yesterday we started the year 2021, and just like that, it is about to be over. 2020 seemed to have melted into 2021 and what a “year” it has been. There have been lots of loss and change, and I know there are some of us dreading the holiday season. This post and the next few posts will be dedicated to encouraging us and helping us get through. The holidays can sneak up on us, we can either embark on whirlwind of "doing", instead of "being" (which more often than not, leaves not only our bank account depleted, but our emotional banks as well), or we want to hide and crawl away somewhere wanting it to all be over, or we are somewhere in between. No matter which of these groups you find yourself, there is something for you over the next few weeks.