Be Present

If you are dreading the holidays, I would like to invite you to be present, not shy away. Embrace whatever emotion comes, give yourself time to sit in it, then get up and do something to shift your attention and thoughts to one of gratitude. My day above ground is a great day, and as long as there is life, there is hope. Find some memories to give you joy, honor your loved ones, and celebrate life. For those who are embracing the holidays, it is very important that as we spend time making sure that everything is perfect for our loved ones, that we take time to savor each moment. You are not a robot! Not only should we spend on them - be it time, money, food, gifts, or whatever it is; we should also spend with them. Laugh, love, relax, eat, watch tv, catch up on some reading, sleep, etc. Don't be so busy that the holiday passes you by, leaving you tired, drained, and emotionally bankrupt.


Practice Healthy Self Care


“The Most Wonderful Time”