Bloom Again

We all go through life and seasons, time and chance happen to all as they say. We always talk about one season being “better” than another, especially when things are good in our lives. I want to pose a different angle to you today. What if every season were your “season”? Hear me out...There are 4 seasons right - Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall, ok, each season serves its purpose, and no season is wasted. Summer is great, you sit under the shade of a tree, Fall comes and the leaves fall, preparing it for the winter, and spring rains on it, starting the process of blooming again. It isn’t dead in the winter, it is just resting, things may not be “flourishing'' for you right now, leaves may be falling, or maybe you are full, in all your glory at this time, you are still a tree. A tree doesn’t stop being a tree in the winter because it dried up and there are no leaves, when Spring comes and rain pours out on it, it blooms again! Look for lessons to be learned in the different seasons you’re in, do what you are called to do right where you are, your identity doesn’t change, it is your function that changes, dig in your roots if you have to, let your soil rest if needed, if you are currently in your “winter”, just know that you will bloom again!


“The Most Wonderful Time”

